Loujaina Abdelwahed

Assistant Professor of Economics

The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art


I am Assistant Professor of Economics at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at The Cooper Union.

My research interests are primarily in natural resources, inequality, and the use of alternative data source to measure different economic variables. 

Currently, I am collaborating with Revelio Labs, a workforce intelligence company, to build the world’s first universal HR database from public employment records and  to provide real time updates on developments in the labor market. I use Revelio Labs' data to study the impact of pay transparency laws in New York, and to study the impact of AI on skills development.

I received my PhD in Economics in 2019 from the University of Illinois at Chicago and my MA in Economics from the American University in Cairo. Prior to starting my PhD, I worked as an economist at the Macro Fiscal Policy Unit in the Egyptian Ministry of Finance.

Please view my resume here

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